Tuesday, June 9, 2009


The new issue of Brooklyn Review, featuring one of my poems as well as two by former classmate and bad-ass poet Sarah Cox, has just been released. If you're in the NYC area, check out the release party complete with live music and readings by some of the contributors. For the complete details, check the link.


Today, I formally accepted a teaching position at Oak Hill Academy in Mouth-of-Wilson, Virginia. I'll be teaching Creative Writing, a community college English course, and a few sections of 10th grade English, as well as running the school literary magazine and perhaps starting a cross country team. All of this is very new, very exciting. My shoulders feel much lighter. I'll be able to get a puppy, to stay in the mountains, to stay near the New River.


A new-ish poem. To disappear shortly.



yurchie said...

Congratulations on getting the job, sounds like a good time!

Drew Perry said...

i know that area pretty well -- vacation at mt. rogers every fall. drop me an email if you want to know about nearby towns/poss. places to live...

and congrats! really good news.